Learn French with Emojis

Emotions & Feelings

A. How to ask someone how they're feeling?

a. Comment allez-vous ? | Comment ça va ? | Ça va ? 
Translates to "How are you?"

b. Qu’est-ce qu’il y a?
Translates to "What's Wrong?"

c. Comment vous sentez-vous ?
Translates to "How are you feeling?"

d. Pourquoi es-tu triste/ content(e)/ déçu(e)/ etc? 
Translates to "Why are you sad/ happy/ disappointed?"

B. Constructing the sentence:

a. Je suis.... 
Translates to "I am....."

b. Je me sens.... [verbe - se sentir] [note: sentir - to smell, know the difference]
Translates to "I feel...."

c. J'ai... (Literally means 'I have')
eg. J'ai faim. -- I am hungry.
J'ai mal à la tête. -- My head hurts.
J'ai peur de araignées. -- I am scared of spiders.

C. Emotion Adjectives

😃 - Heureux/heureuse | content(e) [Happy]
😱 - Étonné(e) [Suprised/ Amazed] 
😡 😤 Fâché(e)/En colère [Angry]
🤢 - malade [Sick]
😓 😩  - fatigué(e), épuisé(e) [Exhausted]
😢 - Navré(e) [Sorry]
😖 😠 - Énervé(e) [Irritated]
🙁 - Triste [Sad]

More Words:

Meaning: busy

Meaning: to be bored

Meaning: rushed/in a hurry

D. Idioms to express Emotions:

a. avoir le cafard
Meaning: To be bummed out
Literal translation: To have the cockroach

b. avoir la gueule de bois
Meaning: To be hungover
Literal translation: To have the wooden face

c. avoir une peur bleue
Meaning: To be terrified
Literal translation: To have a blue fear

d. devenir chèvre
Meaning: To become really really angry
Literal translation: To become a goat

E. Advanced French Phrases for Expressing Emotions

a. Voir la vie en rose -- To be very happy
b. Être blanc/ blanche comme un linge -- To be as white as sheet
c. Avoir une peur bleu -- To be very scared
d. Être rouge de colère voir rouge -- To be very angry
e. Broyer du noir -- To be very depressed
f. Être vert de rage -- To be very angry

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